[42] Santos-Neto, M., Gallardo, D.I., Costa, E., Marchant, C., Renan, I. 2025. A new parametric quantile regression model based on an Owen distribution. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 95(1), 156–185.
[41] Cárcamo, E., Marchant, C., Ibacache-pulgar, G., and Leiva, V. 2024. Birnbaum-Saunders semi-parametric additive modeling: estimation, smoothing, diagnostics, and application. REVSTAT-Statistical Journal, 22(2): 211–237
[40] Gómez, Y.M., Gallardo, D.I., Marchant, C., Sánchez, L., Bourguignon, M. 2024. An In-Depth Review of the Weibull Model with a Focus on Various Parameterizations. Mathematics. 12(1):56
[39] Sánchez, L., Ibacache-Pulgar, G., Marchant, C., Riquelme, M. 2023. Modeling Environmental Pollution Using Varying-Coefficients Quantile Regression Models under Log-Symmetric Distributions. Axioms 2023, 12, 976.
[38] Lozada-Yavina, R., Marchant, C., Cancino-Faure, B., Hernández-Rodríguez, E., Córdova-Lepe, F. 2023 A description of the epidemiological dynamics of Chagas disease via mathematical modeling. Acta Tropica 243, 106930.
[37] Saulo, H., Vila, R., Borges, G.V., Bourguignon, M., Leiva, V., Marchant, C. 2023 Modeling income data via new parametric quantile regressions: formulation, computational statistics, and application. Mathematics 11, 448.
[36] Leiva, V., dos Santos, R., Saulo, H., Marchant, C., Lio, Y. 2023. Bootstrap control charts for quantiles based on log-symmetric distributions with applications to monitoring of reliability data. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 39:1-24
[35] Marchant, C., Leiva., V., Gallardo, D.I. 2023. Chilean Journal of Statistics: Introducing a new issue and new editors. Chilean Journal of Statistics 14(2):82-84.
[34] Jeldes, N., Ibacache-Pulgar, G., Marchant, C., and López-Gonzales, J. 2022. Modeling Air Pollution Using Partially Varying Coefficient Models with Heavy Tails. Mathematics 10, 3677.
[33] Marchant, C., Leiva., V. 2022. Chilean Journal of Statistics: Thirty eight years generating quality knowledge. Chilean Journal of Statistics 13(1):1-2.
[32] Carreño, G., López-Cortés, X.A., Marchant, C. 2022. Machine Learning Models to Predict Critical Episodes of Environmental Pollution for PM2.5 and PM10 in Talca, Chile. Mathematics 10, 373.
[31] Marchant, C., Leiva, V., Saulo, H., Vila, R. 2022. Multivariate methods to monitor the risk of critical episodes of environmental contamination using an asymmetric distribution with data of Santiago, Chile. In Roshni T, Samui P, Tien D, Dookie B, Rahman Khatib K (eds.) Risk, Reliability and Sustainable Remediation in the Field of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Chapter 20, pp. 359-378.
[30] Sánchez, L., Leiva, V., Saulo, H., Marchant, C., Sarabia, J.M. 2021. A New Quantile Regression Model and Its Diagnostic Analytics for a Weibull Distributed Response with Applications. Mathematics 9 (21), 2768.
[29] Marchant C, Leiva V (2021) Chilean Journal of Statistics: A forum for the Americas and the World in COVID-19 pandemic. Chilean Journal of Statistics 12(1):1-2.
[28] Palacios, C., Reyes-Suarez, J., Bearzotti, L., Leiva, V., Marchant, C. 2021. Knowledge Discovery for Higher Education Student Retention based on Data Mining: Machine Learning Algorithms and Case Study in Chile. Entropy 23:483
[27] Ibacache-pulgar, G., Figueroa-Zuñiga, J., Marchant, C. 2021. Semiparametric additive beta regression models: inference and local influence diagnostics. REVSTAT-Statistical Journal 19(2):255-274.
[26] Puentes, R., Marchant, C., Leiva, V., Figueroa-Zuñiga, J., Ruggeri, F. 2021. Predicting PM2.5 and PM10 Levels During Critical Episodes Management in Santiago, Chile, with a Bivariate Birnbaum-Saunders Log-Linear Model. Mathematics 9(6):645.
[25] Cavieres, M.F., Leiva, V., Marchant, C., Rojas, F. 2020. A methodology for data-driven decision making in the monitoring of particulate matter environmental contamination in Santiago of Chile. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 250:5-67.
[24] Leiva, V., Marchant, C. 2020. Confirming our international presence with publications and submissions from all continents in COVID-19 pandemic. Chilean Journal of Statistics 11(2):69-72.
[23] Martínez-Flórez, G., Leiva, V., Gómez-Déniz, E., Marchant, C. 2020. A family of skew-normal distributions for modeling proportions and rates with zeros/ones excess. Symmetry 12:1439.
[22] Leiva V, Marchant, C. 2020. Starting a new decade of the Chilean Journal of Statistics in COVID-19 pandemic times. Chilean Journal of Statistics 11(1):1-2.
[21] Dasilva, A., Dias, R., Leiva, V., Marchant, C., Saulo, H. 2020. Birnbaum-Saunders regression models: A comparative evaluation of three approaches. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 90(14):2552-2570.
[20] Poblete, M., Miño, C., Marchant, C., Arancibia, M. 2020. Overload, mistake, lack of training: contributing factors in medication errors in a Chilean public hospital. INDEX 29(3): 112-116.
[19] Huerta, M., Leiva, V., Marchant, C., Rodriguez, M. 2020. Partial least squares models and their formulations, diagnostics and applications to spectroscopy. In Xu J, Ahmed SE, Duca G, Cooke FL (eds.) Management Science and Engineering Management. Springer- Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1-25.
[18] Marchant, C., Leiva, V., Christakos, G., Cavieres, M.F. 2019. Monitoring urban environmental pollution by bivariate control charts: new methodology and case study in Santiago, Chile. Environmetrics 30:e2551.
[17] Cysneiros, F.J.A., Leiva, V., Liu, S., Marchant, C., Scalco, P. A. 2019. Cobb-Douglas type model with stochastic restrictions: formulation, local influence diagnostics and data analytics in economics. Quality & Quantity 53:1693-1719.
[16] Leiva, V., Marchant, C., Ruggeri, F., Saulo, H. 2019. Statistical quality control and reliability analysis using the Birnbaum- Saunders distribution with industrial applications. In Lio Y, Keung H, Ng T, Tsai T-R, Chen D-G (eds.) Statistical Quality Technologies: Theory and Practice. Springer, New York, pp. 1-33.
[15] Leiva, V., Aykroyd, R. Marchant, C. 2019. Discussion of “Birnbaum- Saunders distribution: A review of models, analysis, and applications” and a novel multivariate data analytics for an economics example in the textile industry. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 35(1):112-117.
[14] Marchant, C., Leiva, V., Cysneiros, F.J.A., Liu, S. 2018. Robust multivariate control charts based on Birnbaum-Saunders distributions. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 88(1):182- 202.
[13] Aykroyd, R., Leiva, V., Marchant, C. 2018. Multivariate Birnbaum- Saunders Distributions: Modelling and Applications. Risks 6(1),21:1- 25.
[12] Leiva, V., Marchant, C. 2018. A methodology based on multivariate generalized Birnbaum-Saunders models applied to case studies in bio-engineering and industry. In Oliveira T.A., Kitsos, C., Oliveira, A. and Grilo, L. (eds.) Recent Studies on Risk Analysis and Statistical Modeling. Springer, Switzerland, pp. 283-302.
[11] Marchant, C., Leiva, V., Cysneiros, F.J.A. 2016. A multivariate log-linear model for Birnbaum-Saunders distributions. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 65(2):816-827.
[10] Marchant, C., Leiva, V., Cysneiros, F.J.A., Vivanco, J.F. 2016. Diagnostics in multivariate Birnbaum-Saunders regression models. Journal of Applied Statistics 43(15):2829-2849
[9] Leiva, V., Marchant, C., Ruggeri, F., Saulo, H. 2015. A criterion for environmental assessment using Birnbaum-Saunders attribute control charts. Environmetrics 26:463-476.
[8] Rojas, F., Leiva, V., Wanke, P., Marchant, C. 2015. Optimization of contribution margins in food services by modeling independent component demand. Colombian Journal of Statistics 38:1-30.
[7] Leiva, V., Saulo, H., Leão, J., Marchant, C. 2014. A family of autoregressive conditional duration models applied to financial data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 79:175-191.
[6] Leiva, V., Marchant, C., Saulo, H., Aslam, M., Rojas, F. 2014. Capability indices for Birnbaum-Saunders processes applied to electronic and food industries. Journal of Applied Statistics 41:1881- 1902.
[5] Marchant, C., Bertin, K., Leiva, V., Saulo, H. 2013. Generalized Birnbaum-Saunders kernel density estimators and an analysis of financial data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 63:1- 15.
[4] Marchant, C., Leiva, V., Cavieres, M.F., Sanhueza, A. 2013. Air contaminant statistical distributions with application to PM10 in Santiago, Chile. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 223:1-31.
[3] Saulo, H., Leiva, V., Ziegelmann, F.A., Marchant, C. 2013. A nonparametric method for estimating asymmetric densities based on skewed Birnbaum-Saunders distributions applied to en- vironmental data. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 27:1479-1491.
[2] Leiva, V., Ponce, M.G., Marchant, C., Bustos, O. 2012. Fatigue statistical distributions useful for modeling diameter and mortality of trees. Colombian Journal of Statistics 35(3):349-367.
[1] Leiva, V., Athayde, E., Azevedo, C., Marchant, C. 2011. Modeling wind energy flux by a Birnbaum-Saunders distribution with unknown shift parameter. Journal of Applied Statistics, 38(12): 2819-2838Lozada-Yavina4